发布时间: 2020-04-17 访问次数: 8360
2020年1月------至今,生物工程系, 美高梅游戏官方网址美高梅游戏官方网址医学院(筹),美高梅游戏官方网址
2014年6月------2019年11月, 博士后研究员,法国巴斯德研究所
实验室:合成生物学实验室 (Bikard Lab)
2010年3月------ 2014年3月, 理学博士,生物化学专业, 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学
实验室:Shearwin Lab
2006年9月------ 2009年7月, 医学硕士, 上海交通大学医学院
2001年9月------ 2006年7月, 医学学士,中医学(骨伤方向), 江西中医药大学
2017 David Bikard,CUI Lun,Xavier DUPORTET,Rodriguez Jesus Fernandez。通过阻断DNA修复来改进序列特异性抗微生物作用(公开号:WO2017009399 A1)
1. L Cui*, I Murchland*, KE Shearwin, IB Dodd. Enhancer-like long-range transcriptional activation by lambda CI-mediated DNA looping. (2013) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 110(8),2922-2927.(共同第一作者,影响因子10.4)
2. L Cui, I Murchland, IB Dodd, KE Shearwin.Bacteriophage lambda repressor mediates the formation of a complex enhancer-like structure.(2013)Transcription 4, 201–205. (封面,影响因子1.59)
3. F St-Pierre*, L Cui*, DG Priest, D Endy, IB Dodd, KE Shearwin.One-Step Cloning and Chromosomal Integration of DNA. (2013)ACS Synthetic Biology, 2, 537-541. (共同第一作者,封面,影响因子5.571)
4. L Cui*, F St-Pierre*, KE Shearwin.Repurposing site-specific recombinases for synthetic biology. (2013) Future Microbiology, 8(11), 1361-1364. (共同第一作者,影响因子3.19)
5. DG Priest, L Cui, S Kumar, DD Dunlap, IB, Dodd, KE Shearwin. Quantitation of the DNA tethering effect in long-range DNA looping in vivo and in vitro using the Lac and λ repressors. (2014) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111, 349-54 (影响因子10.4)
6. KE Shearwin, L Cui, I Murchland, IB Dodd. Long-range DNA looping in the lambda genetic switch. (2014) Biophysical Journal, 106 (2), 626a(影响因子3.495)
7. L Cui, D Bikard. Consequences of Cas9 cleavage in the chromosome of Escherichia coli. (2017) Nucleic acids research,44 (9), 4243-4251(影响因子10.727)
8. L Cui, KE Shearwin. Clonetegration using OSIP plasmids – one step DNA assembly and site specific genomic integration in bacteria. (2017) Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), Synthetic DNA: Methods and Protocols, 139-155. (影响因子10.710)
9. ABernheim, AC Villamanan, CBasier, L Cui, E P. C.Rocha, MTouchon, DBikard. Inhibition of NHEJ repair by type II-A CRISPR-Cas systems. (2017) Nature Communications, 8, 1–9(影响因子11.880)
10. L Cui, A Vigouroux, F Rousset, H Varet, V Khanna, D Bikard. A E. coli CRISPRi screen reveals unexpected sequence-specific toxicity. (2018) Nature Communications, (2018) 9:1912 (影响因子11.880)
11. A Vigouroux, E Oldewurtel, L Cui, S van Teeffelen, D Bikard. Tuning dCas9's ability to block transcription enables robust, noiseless knockdown of bacterial genes. (2018) Molecular Systems Biology, 14:e7899(影响因子8.447)
12. François Rousset, Lun Cui, Elise Siouve, Florence Depardieu & David Bikard. Genome-wide CRISPR-dCas9 screens in E. coli identify essential genes and phage host factors. (2018) PLOS Genetics, 14, e1007749(共同第一作者,影响因子5.224)
13. Alicia Calvo-Villamañán†, Jérome Wong Ng†, Rémi Planel, Hervé Ménager, Arthur Chen, Lun Cui*†, and David Bikard*. On-target activity predictions enable improved CRISPR-dCas9 screens in bacteria. (2020) Nucleic Acids Research, gkaa294, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkaa294 (共同第一作者,共同通讯作者, 已接收, 影响因子10.727)
14. David Ranava, Yiying Yang, Luis Orenday-Tapia, François Rousset, Catherine Turlan, Violette Morales, Lun Cui, Cyril Moulin, Carine Froment, Gladys Munoz, Jérôme Rech, Julien Marcoux, Anne Caumont-Sarcos, Cécile Albenne, David Bikard, Raffaele Ieva. Lipoprotein DolP supports proper folding of BamA in the bacterial outer membrane, promoting fitness upon envelope stress. (2021) eLife 2021;10:e67817 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.67817 (影响因子7.080)